Constitution Day is September 17th. Let’s Celebrate!

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Constitution Day is one of the MOST important days that our country should celebrate. Unfortunately, most Americans have no clue that the day exists.  September 17th, Constitution Day,  is a day all American citizens should recognize and honor. It is this day in history that the delegates of the Constitutional Convention signed the United States Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787.  Now, September 17th is recognized as Constitution Day. We need to make sure it is always recognized for posterity and promoted for future generations to continue living in a free society.

Our country is special and unique in that we have the greatest and most brilliant document in the world. It came into effect on March 4, 1789, and has kept our country great for almost 235 years. Read more about the Constitution HERE.  Sadly, the Constitution is not being recognized or taught in some institutions and now we are feeling the effects of that. Many political leaders are totally disregarding our Constitution and are becoming tyrannical leaders.

One of the easiest ways to celebrate Constitution Day would be to read the Constitution.  “The Constitution Made Easy” by Michael Holler HERE would be a great place to start. Then watch Hillsdale College’s Constitution 101 Lecture 1 HERE. Make a point of reading the Constitution with a young person, so they can learn and appreciate the Constitution too. Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox explains in great detail why we should honor, respect, and uphold our Constitution in her latest Substack.  Read her article HERE. It will help you understand why this day should be celebrated. For more resources on the Constitution click HERE.

It is time to make Constitution Day special again. We can never forget what our founding fathers endured so we can be free people. They created a document so WE THE PEOPLE have power and never have to live under tyrannical leadership again. That right there deserves celebrating! Share this post and spread the word about Constitution Day. It is important for our future generations to understand and appreciate our Constitution. Especially, so they can enjoy the freedom it gives to citizens of the United States.










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